Manley Mere 5th July 2014
The Manley Mere weekend is getting ever closer. We are looking forward to seeing you all again and will circulate full details shortly.
The Manley Mere weekend is getting ever closer. We are looking forward to seeing you all again and will circulate full details shortly.
The Fiona Foundation was delighted to support the Special Virtuosi orchestra for its spring concert at the Royal Northern College of Music on 20 March 2014. There were many fantastic performances and the evening was a fitting tribute to the efforts of all those involved in the orchestra.
There has been a steady take up in the sale of the Fiona Foundation sponsored football shirts. The Foundation has now sponsored the Under 10 kits and the kits look great. The adult football shirts with the Fiona Foundation logo continue to be available to order. What a perfect gift for Christmas!
Once again the Leavers’ Mass in July for the outgoing year 6 children was an emotional day for young and old. The lavender plants were beautfifully prepared by Diddibox Flowers and Joe Tully Jnr. helped our Joseph to present them to each of the 57 children. We hope this is a tradition we can keep … Leavers’ Mass
It is that time again. The Christmas party beckons. We don’t propose to have an auction this year but there will be a raffle and the other usual fun stuff. Please join us if you can.
We have succesffully completed our first year with our scholarship in the chemical engineering faculty at Newcastle University. Paige Caldaralo wrote a lovely endorsement and thank you to us for helping her with that scholarship.
The Fiona Foundation logo will be proudly worn on the St Johns Parish under 10 football team shirts from September. We are really grateful to those who have helped to fund this without seeking any recognition for themselves and for helping us to keep up the profile of the Foundation.
Put the date in the diary folks; 30 November is the proposed date for our annual Christmas bash with the auction, raffle, kids disco and all the other usual trimmings.
This year’s exchange trip to Nigran in March was the best attended yet; the project goes from strength to strength. The Fiona Foundation is currently supporting the project by providing all the children involved with phrase books for current and future use and as a lasting momento of their involvment. Thank you for helping in … Phrase books for the Spanish Exchange
We are not far away now from the summer party at Manley Mere on 6 July. Record numbers are booked in. It is turning into a proper festival; Mr. Husselbee no doubt the main fixture in the dance tent. There is much excitement amongst the younger folk for the traditional afternoon of muddy glory but … Manley Mere is here again