Fiona Foundation - The Fiona Foundation

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The Christie Hospital, Withington

Fiona spent much of her year long fight with breast cancer in and out of the Christie hospital in Withington, South Manchester. It is a well supported hospital and centre for research and learning. It is a cause well worthy of support but has many people far better at fund raising than us to help it along.

However, Fiona particularly benefitted from the Complementary Therapy services that were offered to her. The relaxation and stress relief was much needed and offered a few moments of calm as the world closed in around her.

The Fiona Foundation would like to offer some support in this area. As with all our projects we need ideas and plans from those who are involved in this work. We have had some initial discussions but we regard this as a longer term objective for the Fiona Foundation and we will look to report on its progress later in 2012.

All ideas to assist the work of the Fiona Foundation would be welcomed by e mal to


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