On Sunday 19 February from 1.30pm onwards at the Bowling Green we will be having a get together to launch the Fiona Foundation logo on the Parish football kit. As always the Fiona Foundation is a great reason and an excuse for folks to meet up and enjoy the opportunity to meet with friends and to remember Fiona (and she knew how to enjoy an afternoon in the pub!)

Archive for February, 2012
Football kit launch
Monday, February 6th, 2012John Hannaway and the long walk to Wicklow
Monday, February 6th, 2012John completed the Art O Neill challenge. He was doubtless the winner in his age group; there can’t have been many as old and unwise to undertake a 54km walk overnight in the middle of January. The story of climbing in and out of peat ditches is really quite unpleasant. However, the great man finished the walk in 14 and a half hours. He raised several hundreds of pounds for us. He also set the bench mark. Next year it is going to be the coast to coast walk as a warm up for El Camino de Santiago and other such unlikely ambitions. Thanks John.
Fiona’s Garden
Monday, February 6th, 2012Chorlton residents will have noticed the work going on in the grounds of the Church at St. Johns. Greg Fildes has been battling the freezing weather and has made a significant start on the garden. The foundation is laid and the planting will start in the next few weeks.
Christmas Party Update
Monday, February 6th, 2012We raised nearly £6,000 at the Christmas Party. Thank you for making it such a wonderful evening.
You are currently browsing the Fiona Foundation blog archives for February, 2012.